7 research outputs found

    The large area detector onboard the eXTP mission

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    The Large Area Detector (LAD) is the high-throughput, spectral-timing instrument onboard the eXTP mission, a flagship mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China National Space Administration, with a large European participation coordinated by Italy and Spain. The eXTP mission is currently performing its phase B study, with a target launch at the end-2027. The eXTP scientific payload includes four instruments (SFA, PFA, LAD and WFM) offering unprecedented simultaneous wide-band X-ray timing and polarimetry sensitivity. The LAD instrument is based on the design originally proposed for the LOFT mission. It envisages a deployed 3.2 m2 effective area in the 2-30 keV energy range, achieved through the technology of the large-area Silicon Drift Detectors - offering a spectral resolution of up to 200 eV FWHM at 6 keV - and of capillary plate collimators - limiting the field of view to about 1 degree. In this paper we will provide an overview of the LAD instrument design, its current status of development and anticipated performance

    3D Printing Silk-Based Bioresorbable Piezoelectric Self-Adhesive Holey Structures for In Vivo Monitoring on Soft Tissues

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    Flexible and biocompatible adhesives with sensing capabilities can be integrated onto human body and organ surfaces, characterized by complex geometries, thus having the potential to sense their physiological stimuli offering monitoring and diagnosis of a wide spectrum of diseases. The challenges in this innovative field are the following: (i) the coupling method between the smart adhesive and the soft human substrates, (ii) the bioresorbable behavior of the material, and (iii) the electrical exchange with the substrate. Here, we introduce a multifunctional composite by mixing silk fibroin, featuring piezoelectric properties, with a soluble plant-derived polyphenol (i.e., chestnut tannin) modified with graphene nanoplatelets. This material behaves as a glue on different substrates and gives rise to high elongation at break, conformability, and adhesive performances to gastrointestinal tissues in a rat model and favors the printability via extrusion-based 3D printing. Exploiting these properties, we designed a bioresorbable 3D printed flexible and self-adhesive piezoelectric device that senses the motility once applied onto a phantom intestine and the hand gesture by signal translation. Experimental results also include the biocompatibility study using gastrointestinal cells. These findings could have applicability in animal model studies, and, thanks to the bioresorbable behavior of the materials, such an adhesive device could be used for monitoring the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and for the diagnosis of motility disorders

    Biocompatible and Printable Ionotronic Sensing Materials Based on Silk Fibroin and Soluble Plant-Derived Polyphenols

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    The emergence of ionotronic materials has been recently exploited for interfacing electronics and biological tissues, improving sensing with the surrounding environment. In this paper, we investigated the synergistic effect of regenerated silk fibroin (RS) with a plant-derived polyphenol (i.e., chestnut tannin on ionic conductivity and how water molecules play critical roles in regulating ion mobility in these materials. In particular, we observed that adding tannin to RS increases the ionic conductivity, and this phenomenon is accentuated by increasing the hydration. We also demonstrated how silk-based hybrids could be used as building materials for scaffolds where human fibroblast and neural progenitor cells can highly proliferate. Finally, after proving their biocompatibility, RS hybrids demonstrate excellent three-dimensional (3D) printability via extrusion-based 3D printing to fabricate a soft sensor that can detect charged objects by sensing the electric fields that originate from them. These findings pave the way for a viable option for cell culture and novel sensors, with the potential base for tissue engineering and health monitoring

    TestBeam Data April 2023 CERN PS

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    Data taken at test particle beams at CERN PS in April 2023. Description of the particle beam type and momentum, and of the detector configuration for each data acuisition run is given in the file LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - PAN.csv Description of the Silicon Tracker Strips VATA setting is given in the file LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - VATA settings.csv DATA taken by the Tracker Strips, Pixels, and TOF are stored in the directories Strips, Pixels, and TOF respectively. Pixels and Tracker Strips data have been acquired synchronously. The corresponding data are organized in sub-directories named after the date and time at which the data were acquired and corresponding to the list given in LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - PAN.csv. Inside each sub-directory the filename indicates the detector board id, data type ( trigger , calibration or beam data) and the settings, the date, and time of acquisition. Inside each file the header lists the variables stored, and for the Pixels it also describes the detector setting (temperatures, voltages, etc.). The TOF data have been taken asynchronously. The corresponding data are organized in sub-directories named after the date at which the data were acquired. Inside each sub-directory the filename indicates the detector board id, data type ( trigger , calibration or beam data) and the settings, the date, and time of acquisition

    Design of an Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector In Orbit (ALADInO)

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    International audienceA new generation magnetic spectrometer in space will open the opportunity to investigate the frontiers in direct high-energy cosmic ray measurements and to precisely measure the amount of the rare antimatter component in cosmic rays beyond the reach of current missions. We propose the concept for an Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector In Orbit (ALADInO), designed to take over the legacy of direct measurements of cosmic rays in space performed by PAMELA and AMS-02. ALADInO features technological solutions conceived to overcome the current limitations of magnetic spectrometers in space with a layout that provides an acceptance larger than 10 m2 sr. A superconducting magnet coupled to precision tracking and time-of-flight systems can provide the required matter–antimatter separation capabilities and rigidity measurement resolution with a Maximum Detectable Rigidity better than 20 TV. The inner 3D-imaging deep calorimeter, designed to maximize the isotropic acceptance of particles, allows for the measurement of cosmic rays up to PeV energies with accurate energy resolution to precisely measure features in the cosmic ray spectra. The operations of ALADInO in the Sun–Earth L2 Lagrangian point for at least 5 years would enable unique revolutionary observations with groundbreaking discovery potentials in the field of astroparticle physics by precision measurements of electrons, positrons, and antiprotons up to 10 TeV and of nuclear cosmic rays up to PeV energies, and by the possible unambiguous detection and measurement of low-energy antideuteron and antihelium components in cosmic rays

    The large area detector onboard the eXTP mission

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    The Large Area Detector (LAD) is the high-throughput, spectral-timing instrument onboard the eXTP mission, a flagship mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China National Space Administration, with a large European participation coordinated by Italy and Spain. The eXTP mission is currently performing its phase B study, with a target launch at the end-2027. The eXTP scientific payload includes four instruments (SFA, PFA, LAD and WFM) offering unprecedented simultaneous wide-band X-ray timing and polarimetry sensitivity. The LAD instrument is based on the design originally proposed for the LOFT mission. It envisages a deployed 3.2 m2 effective area in the 2-30 keV energy range, achieved through the technology of the large-area Silicon Drift Detectors - offering a spectral resolution of up to 200 eV FWHM at 6 keV - and of capillary plate collimators - limiting the field of view to about 1 degree. In this paper we will provide an overview of the LAD instrument design, its current status of development and anticipated performance

    The enhanced x-ray timing and polarimetry mission – eXTP: an update on its scientific cases, mission profile and development status

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    The enhanced x-ray timing and polarimetry mission (eXTP) is a flagship observatory for x-ray timing, spectroscopy and polarimetry developed by an international consortium. Thanks to its very large collecting area, good spectral resolution and unprecedented polarimetry capabilities, eXTP will explore the properties of matter and the propagation of light in the most extreme conditions found in the universe. eXTP will, in addition, be a powerful x-ray observatory. The mission will continuously monitor the x-ray sky, and will enable multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies. The mission is currently in phase B, which will be completed in the middle of 2022